How to activate windows 7 gamer edition x64 by undeadcrows. This page. Windows 7 Gamer Edition (WGI) was developed by UNDEADCROWS. Co. for Microsoft.
Activator fullversion Windows 7 Gamer Edition V3.0-Updated.rar. it. How To Install Windows 7 Gamer Edition.windows 7 gamer edition. Activator fullversion Windows 7 Gamer Edition V3.0-Updated.rar. it. How To Install Windows 7 Gamer Edition. Windows 7 Gamer Edition is an excellent. Windows 7 WGI.Q:
Redirect not working while using HTTPS
I have this test route which redirects to a login page when an invalid username/password is entered:
get "/login" do
@logged_in = "true"
redirect "/"
In my _form.html.haml, I have this:
= form_tag(:controller => "main", :action => "login") do
= label_tag "Username or Email Address:"
= text_field_tag :username, params[:username]
= label_tag "Password:"
= password_field_tag :password
= submit_tag "Login"
When I enter a correct username/password, it works fine. When I enter an incorrect username/password, the redirect fails to work.
I've tried this too, but it doesn't work:
= form_tag(:controller => "main", :action => "login") do
= label_tag "Username or Email Address:"
= text_field_tag :username, params[:username]
= label_tag "Password:"
= password_field_tag :password
= submit_tag "Login"
What am I doing wrong?
The problem is that you are using params[:username] as your username, and that will fail when you use https.
You have a few options:
URL encode your URL
Encoding params in the form and set a hidden parameter
So for example, with the second option:
= form_tag(:controller => "main", :action => "login") do
= label_tag "Username or Email Address:" ac619d1d87
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