hotfile mega upload mediafire
[Saint]: * I'm guessing your servers are too old
cfhowlett: they're for archival purposes.
(and SSH access, but that's out of the scope of this issue)
I've never had these issues before, and never had the need to use bittorrent in the past.
[Saint], and ssh access = public file? I take it they are in a data center?
[Saint], then run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
these commands have already been run
[Saint], and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
oh, forgot about that
[Saint], one thing... boot to recovery mode and edit /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d
cfhowlett: working on that now
nice, it's back
cfhowlett: It's still odd that it *worked* before, I wonder if the cloud server or ubuntu cloud stuff made some configuration changes.
I don't recall having to do this before.
I'll paste a screenshot, one moment.
[Saint], when you moved files, did you change the ownership/permissions of them?
nope, it was all done from the CLI, and the permissions are 775 and root:root:
[Saint], moo
cfhowlett: I even did something weird with some symlinks in the /var/www folder, but I'll leave that to the archivists to sort out.
No data was moved, only text files.
might just be some sort of a race condition, but I can't be sure.
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